Friday 2 May 2014


Over the last few days, the weather has been great and, probably, a bit too warm for cycling. Yesterday it was 25c (77 fahrenheit - conversion for the benefit of my mum).  However, Canada is a country of weather extremes so we genuinely still don't rule out snow further down the road. Rain is forecast for the weekend but as I tell everyone in Clearwater, that's our national weather in Scotland. 

From Kamloops we headed north on the Yellowhead Highway 5.  Yes, we know we are on a west to east journey but it is also a holiday and we thought that (superfluous 'that' added for the benefit of Craig C) a detour to Jasper and then back south through the Icefield Parkway would be nice. Well it was a nice idea when we were sitting back home in Edinburgh and now that we're here we are appreciating not only the marvellous scenery but also all the extra peddling up the hills.  Who wants to go through the Rockies the quick way anyway?

According to the GPS that's now 685km from Victoria. 

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